Patrick B. Reyes (PhD, Claremont School of Theology) is a Latinx practical theologian, educator, administrator, and institutional strategist. He currently is the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Doctoral Initiatives at the Forum for Theological Exploration ( His expertise is helping communities, organizations, and individuals excavate their stories to create strategies and practices that promote their thriving. He consults, speaks, and offers workshops for communities seeking to embody their vision of justice and peace. Informed by his home community of Salinas, California, Patrick has published research focusing on the intersection of popular religiosity and social action.
He previously served as the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and the Director of the Center of Community Engagement at Trinity Lutheran College in Washington State. For the last 15 years, his work with gang-affiliated, farmworker, and religious communities has focused on compassion and spiritual based practices for healing.
He is the author of the book, Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community, and Surviving to Adulthood (2016). The work explores the role of narrative and trauma in vocational discernment. His work can be found in the Encyclopedia of Christian Education, Claremont Journal of Religion, Journal of Feminist Theology, Religious Education Association, and he is an editor of Theopoetics: A Journal of Theological Imagination, Literature, Embodiment, and Aesthetics.