Re-wilding the Church
Josh Scott

In the context of re-wilding, Scott calls for a church that is less about programs and more about cultivating deep, organic relationships. He challenges traditional structures and encourages a faith that breathes new life into church practices—focused on true discipleship, deep listening, and a radical love that moves beyond the walls of the sanctuary into everyday life. 

Josh Scott has been a pastor for more than twenty years, and currently serves as the Lead Pastor at GracePointe Church in Nashville, TN. The focus of his work is reimagining, reframing, and reclaiming faith through a Progressive Christian lens. He is also the author of several books including “Bible Stories for Grown-Ups: Reading Scripture with New Eyes,” “Context: Putting Scripture in Its Place,” and “Parables: Putting Jesus’s Stories in Their Place,” and you can read his latest thoughts at He lives near Nashville with his wife, Carla, and five kids.

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